
Can I start a bowling league for ex-pats only?

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Who's in?




  1. I'm totally in because I have very good ball handling skills.

    Rosie, the town penile therapist taught me everything she knows.

    Hee hee....Timmy said yank.

  2. Pats as in former Patriot football players?


  3. Ok You can count me.

  4. What sort of team shirt do you have in mind?

    *hoping it'll be peekaboo*

  5. sure.  But Hanoi is mine.  okay?  I have plans... beeeeg plans.

  6. Count me in! I'm sick of America anyway. The only time I'm going back is to visit family and pick up more Skittles...

  7. Sign me up. But until the shipment of bowling balls & pins show up we'll have to use this severed monkey head and empty bottles of Quang Bang.

  8. Guido would join, but he doesn't know what a pat is.


  9. I'm in!

    I just got a new glove...used up the rest of that monkey finally.

  10. What the h**l kind of category is this?

  11. I don't know what a pat is so don't know if I qualify. Is mortified by my ignorance.

  12. Since I'm a Yank, I'll just keep score.

    Names for your team:

    Limey Lane Letches

    British Ball Brawlers

    Split Happens

    un-Fluoridated Three Finger Rollers

    The (British) Empire Strikes Back!

    God Save (me from) The (7-10 spit, you) Queen!

  13. There seems to be some considerable confusion amongst you friends from the new country.

    The only bolwing permitted on the Embassy lawn is Crown Green Bowling.  Please inform them of the necessary slight alterations  to the rules and a league will be quite in order.

  14. My monkey! My monkey!

    Oh, sure, let's bowl. :-)

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