
Can I start a small home business if I do not own the home?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently renting the house I live in, and am starting a small rental company that will be based from my home. Any dealings will the public will not be done on the home property, but I am wondering if I can legally have a business there if I do not own the property. Do I have to have permission from my landlord?




  1. The landlord will end up paying higher property taxes because you won't be considered just a family residnece anymore... it will now be a business/residence.  .

    You should tell the landlord, because if the government finds out before the landlord does and they don't submit the address for a business/residence, there will be penalties and back taxes that they'll probably sue you to pay for.

    Be prepared for them to jack up your monthly rent quite a bit too.

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