
Can I start selling carbon Credits to fund my Bio deisel company? I have no other funding source right now.?

by  |  earlier

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No seriously, I was wondering if I could sell Carbon Credits to raise funds to start a bio-diesel company. I have already run my F-350 and one other Mid size diesel flatbed on about 1/2 bio-fuel for the past 2-1/2 years. I also recycle wood pallets, about 40,000 of them per year. Seems like I could sell carbon credits for saving trees for that. I need some money to get things rolling for real. Anyone who has some fund raising experience and could help me would be greatly appreciated.




  1. This is an interesting idea and will be eagerly watching how you get on with this. Though in selling carbon credits does this not mean you are buying their carbon? However you try and disguise it!

    Will the carbon which you produce be offset by another company?

    Making your company a high carbon user might go against the principle of making biodiesel in the first instance.

    I can certainly offer some advice as to the pitfalls to look out for with funding applications and government institutions and that is to be extremely wary of them.

    Are you selling pellets and bio now?

    Good luck with it all anyway, and keep us posted.

    I understand where your coming from, but at the end of the day you will be offsetting another companies carbon and therefore actively condoning their use of fossil fuels. This I must admit is a matter of opinion and is not of use to you now.

    Have you tried:

    There are a lot of questions here like:

    Will you be selling these companies your biodiesel?

    If not you will be selling them somthing they can't see, which I like the sound of.

    How do you intend to quantify the carbon, and do you have enough carbon credits to go around.

    I would think the reason that carbon accrediting has not taken off is because the boffins at the government are not sure how to quantify such an idea.

    There are probably a million things I can ask, but I think principally what is your sales and marketing like, because this is what will make the difference to making the success. Glossy brochures and powerpont presentation essential and a little boardroom skills wouldn't go a miss. You could try approaching target companies by letter firstly with a glossy flyer.

    At the end of the day are there any benefits for them to enroll for a quantity of credits, this is why from the beginning you would need to be accredited by the government in some way. Charity possibly but this opens up a whole new can of worms.

    I am sure there is an answer here though.

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