
Can I start taking Lexapro when Im on antibiotics?

by  |  earlier

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Im on erythrocin. Im having more frequent panic attacks and am wondering if its ok to take xanax also? I got a sharp pain in my back and chest and it set me off, now Im freaking out.




  1. You can go to my med bible,

    Under the professional information there is a tab for side effects and drug interactions.

    For more basic information you can look under the consumer information, but they do not give the specific names of drugs that interact, just the classes.

    If you are unsure, consult a pharamcist of your physician.

    And incidentally, your family physician and psychiatrist should be made aware of all meds you are presently taking at all times to be safe.

  2. You can take Lexapro while on an antibiotic.  I would call a pharmacist and see if it's okay to throw xanax into the mix.  I hope you feel better soon.

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