
Can I still be covered under my parents medical insurance if you're under 21?

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I heard it was 18, then 21, then 24.




  1. if you are 24 or younger and you are a full-time student you can be covered under your parents healthcare plan. but... it may difer from ins plan to another. have them call their ins carrier to find out and exact age.

  2. Check with your parents insurance.....some plans will cover children as long as they are in school....some cut off at a certain just have to call and ask.....

  3. It is 25 as long as you are a full time student (12 credit hours or more).

  4. Depends on the company and usually if you are a full time student.

  5. The age limit for coverage of dependant children is not governed by any federal statute. It is governed by each policy. You are a minor up to age 18, so they will cover you up to that point. Once you turn 18, most will require proof of full-time student status or adult disability status to continue to cover you under your parents and the age limit again depends on the policy. However, COBRA does enable you to get coverage through your parents group if you do not meet the guidelines for coverage as a dependant. If you notify the group insurance that you are no longer covered, and elect COBRA, your benefits can be extended for up to 36 months if you continue to pay the premiums. Sometimes, they also offer an individual conversion policy once your COBRA benefits are exausted.

  6. It does depend on the company, if you are a college student or not, and what the government does.

    Different companies have different rules so you will have to check what the requirements are.

    If you are a college student, you will have to send the insurance company a copy of your transcript.

    There is legislation that is being discussed right now to make it standard for you to be covered under your parents until 21.  We'll see what happens.

  7. You have to read the benefits  book. Most terminate you when you're a certain age, but in some cases, coverage can be continued beyond that provided you  remain a full time student. Every plan is different.

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