
Can I still be prego????

by  |  earlier

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If you have your period is it still possible to be prego? Especially if i had s*x 2 weeks after I started my last period and started 2 days late this time and have been getting dizzy more, nosebleeds (which I never got until now), and have been getting hungry constantly (which I could eat once and not be hungry for at LEAST 6 hours and now I can eat and get hungry an hour an a half or 2 hours later and be STARViNG)




  1. Buy a pregnancy test that way you will know for sure and the answer to your question yes you can have periods when you pregnant it happened to me and i have 3 kids good luck. xx

  2. YEP! if you asked is because you know there is a chance...PG test honey!!

  3. Yes, take a test!!  

  4. probly not..... Those are not very convincing... and 2 days late? not a huge deal.. eating more at this point wouldnt matter either

  5. Do a home pregnancy test and find out for sure. If you are pregnant get on prenatal vitamins and start drinking a ton of water.

  6. i believe so but the test is the best way to find out  

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