
Can I still cross the border without problems?

by  |  earlier

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I have a warrant for my arrest for somthin small nothin big like Murder, drugs, robbery, Nothin like that at all! Im going to Mexico soon! Can I still cross the border without any problems?!?! And also if known, what exactly happens when you cross the border? what do they do?!?!




  1. Effective January 31, you will need government ID (driver's license) PLUS proof of citizenship (birth certificate).  

    They don't do background checks when going into Mexico.  Coming back will be a different story; there's a chance you could be singled out.  They do have lists.

  2. yeah, I'm pretty sure you can cross without any problems. All that happens is that they'll ask for some form of identification (passport if you aren't an American citizen). If you are an American Citizen you can probably get by by just telling them so (they'll believe you as long as you speak english well). Sometimes they'll have you pull over and they'll check your luggage. (not a big deal; they just ask what you have in the vehicle, look inside to make sure that you're telling the truth, and then you leave) It takes like 30 seconds.

    Crossing the border is no problem as long as you're a US citizen.

  3. You can cross the border to Mexica with out ANY problems.  Comming back may be an issue.

  4. Yeah you can as long as you have your california ID!!

    Its not like they question you !! JUst act normal!!

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