
Can I still get hold of Cadbury Wispa ?

by  |  earlier

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I think they came out earlier this year as a "Limited Edition", how ridiculous. Are they still available or being released again. I need a box full by the end of September....Don't ask............All answers really appreciated..




  1. check the cadburys website 'wispa is back'

  2. 20 million were sold in 7 weeks - according to a story in the Daily Mail several weeks ago.

    Cadbury's will start making and selling them again sometime next year.

  3. They've just announced that the "Limited Edition" was such a success that it's going to be made permanent.

    Wispa is back!

  4. They coming BACK ON OCTOBOR THE 6TH WOOO!!!!! Rember to get one befor they your shops are sold out WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

  5. i dont think so u can get a wispa mc flury ice cream at mc donalds

  6. yer u cn -x

  7. you can i think. and mcdonalds do a wispa mcflurry :] yummy £1.19

  8. I haven't seen any lately. They were way nice!

  9. Salutations,

    I am in the States, NJ to be exact. I have not seen them recently, but I usually get my Cadbury stuff from Irish Import stores and A&P. I am glad to hear they will once again be available, as Wispa and Flake are my two Favorites. Cheers

  10. im sure u can!! if u need a full box u could try online or at a cash & carry wholesales!

    it was in the paper a few weeks ago saying they would defo be bringing them back out!! ( not jst special edition) u could check in  r.s mcolls thats the only place that sold them whr i live when they were out on special edition!!

  11. are u in ireland or the uk?? they are cumin back in out in ireland oct 6th!! as for gettin them by september maybe contact cadburys or a cash and carry...?

    good luck  

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