
Can I still get into an Ivy League

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I am going to attend a bad high school and repeated seventh grade with a les crappy but still crappy grade. I failed 8th grade but luckily a summer bridge program allowed me to graduate. I really want to attend an Ivy, my parents believe I have potential(fat chance). Do I have a chance? I heard that you start High School with a clean slate, but I am attending a bad high school, and I don't live in the East coast. Share your thoughts and advice. Did I say i was going to attend a bad high school?




  1. Colleges take into account how others are doing around you and the quality of the school you are in, so if you do well compared to everyone else in your school, you'll still have a good shot.

  2. As long as your high school is certified then it doesn't matter where you go IF you get the same sat scores and gpa. However, without having a family legacy at the school, its rather difficult to get into an ivy, especially since you don't live on the east coast. Frankly, you probably won't be able to. However, going to an ivy isn't really going to help you in the real world except to make buisness contacts. Go to a smaller college and start your new life with 200k less in student loans

  3. To be honest, even if you're a legacy child (family went to Ivy League), you don't have a chance. The Ivies are a little more lax with legacy students, with admission standards as low as Stanford's, or perhaps even the University of Michigan's. I never repeated a grade, failed a subject, and consistantly got good grades, but others know that I would not get in if I applied for Princeton, which was the Ivy that I had my sights set on. And what makes it worse is that your high school is, according to you, of low quality. If you struggle with this high school, forget an Ivy League school. Forget even schools like Stanford, MIT, Penn State, and Michigan. You may have to settle for a community college. But don't feel too bad, an associate's degree does have some worth.

  4. i'll be honest with you. It seems like no the way you said how you repeated/failed a grade. But on the bright side, it depends on your SAT score, your high school doesn't matter as long as you have a good gpa. so for now, i can't quite say yes or no.

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