
Can I still get my female cat spayed if she's already had her first heat?

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Can I still get my female cat spayed if she's already had her first heat?




  1. yes yes you can

  2. yes! get her spayed as soon as you can.  the longer you wait, the more at risk you are leaving her for mammary cancer.

  3. Yes she can. She will always have heats even if you spayed her. She just cant have babbies

  4. Absolutely. She cannot be spayed DURING a heat cycle (preferably. It can be done, but will cost more and has a little bit of a risk to it, due to increased blood flow), but she can definitely still get spayed even if she's had one heat cycle.

  5. Of course.

  6. Yes, of course you can. Let the vet know though but it is fine.

  7. Yes you kind.It is best to do that be for they get in that shape agean.

  8. Yep, although, I must admit, when my kitten went through hers, it was friggen hilarious! But yeah she was fixed after like a year.  

  9. i don't know what a "heat" is

  10. Can a girl get a hysterectomy or what ever after her first period?  

  11. Yes of course, my cat was fixed during her first heat

  12. She absolutely can and it'll be much healthier for her to have her spayed.  

  13. Yes, you can

  14. You can have a cat spayed when it's pregnant. Had to have that done once for medical reasons. The litter would not have survived. They were all grossly deformed. The cat had been given live rabies vaccine before the vet realized she was pregnant.

  15. i could b wrong... but i thought you had to wait until the first heat to spay a female.....

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