
Can I still get sushi if I go to h**l?

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I love sushi. But I have led a bad life and I'm pretty sure I'm going to h**l. My main concern is that I will no longer be able to enjoy my favorite delicacy. My sushi chef tells me that if h**l is anywhere near as warm as they say it is, it will be impossible to make sushi because all the fish will be cooked by the time it even arrives in the kitchen! What am I going to do???




  1. Try fermented Soy bean or Natto with chuncky tuna with quail eggs(2).  Remember Sake !  Please ask Sushi chef.

  2. i'm pretty sure that h**l is any where you think will be very bad. so if you go to h**l you probably won't have any sushi if that's what you think misery is.

    the important thing though, is that if you're sorry for what you did god will always forgive you. =D

  3. There is an eyewitness account from a man who actually did go to h**l, so we can get some pretty good firsthand information from him.  When he was in h**l, he was crying for someone to dip the tip of their finger in water and cool off his tongue, because he said he was in agony in the flame.  That was his first concern.  His second concern was that someone would go warn his family so that they wouldn't end up in h**l.  He was talking to people in heaven . . . so this tells me that people in h**l can actually see people in heaven drinking water and possibly even eating sushi, but the people in h**l are completely deprived and alone.  What a bummer to plan on going to h**l!  My advice is to check out a good Bible-teaching church and find out what you can do to go to Heaven, where the sushi is.  (And it doesn't have anything to do with being a "good" person!  So it's not too late for you).  By the way, you can read this story in the book of Luke, chapter 16, verses 19-30, in the Holy Bible.  Best wishes to ya!

  4. explain to me te logistics of getting raw fish into a burning lake of fire, and keeping it raw :P

  5. wtf!!!!

  6. um...

  7. All the cool people go to h**l anyway so you can get together with them, sneak out for some sushi and be back in h**l before anyone notices.

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