
Can I still go to the doctor even though I haven't been approved by medicaid yet?

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I hear it takes approx 30 days to hear back. You see, I am 20 years old & pregnant with my first & unemployed at the moment. So I am more than sure I can be approved to get it for pretnatal care & etc, however if my calculations are right I am already 6 weeks along! I haven't even seen a doctor yet! I just found out yesterday. By the time I see one, I'll already be more weeks ahead. My mother claims one won't see me till I for sure have the medicaid. I disagree. I really need to get in there & see him, but I don't know what to do! & please don't question if I'm even pregnant or not, I def am! Thank you for your help.




  1. First, all they can tell you at this point if you go to a doctor is that you're pregnant, and you already know that.  You could just get some good prenatal vitamins and wait the month until the insurance kicks in.  If you are having concerns or symptoms that are worrying, you could go to a local free clinic and see if they can reassure you.

  2. You can still go.  If you are approved, you can apply for retroactive Medicaid payments.

  3. go just tell them you are waiting on medicaid  and the doctor should send you a bill and you can either send it to da medicaid or send the doctor the card later telling them you were covered

  4. This happended to me, you call your clinic to check if it came through for pregnant women it comes through faster than 30days.. If you really need to go witch you do i suggest you to go and tell them to bill your insurance...

  5. I had the same problem less than a year ago, apply for Medicaid immediately, now on the form they will have a question about if you need any medical bills paid for the last three months ( now before you go and do that talk to doctors that have medicaid in any given area there are three different kinds of medicaid so make Sure to get the name of the kind they have that way when you get to pick the type of medicaid you want you can chose the one that office has) some doctors will save the bills for when you get approved if you just tell them your situation.. I had a doctor that gave me a huge discount because I wasn't covered yet...Most doctors care more about healthy babies than money, at least that was my experience and it wasn't even a year ago.  If none of that works your just 6 weeks pregnant I wasn't able to see a doctor until I was 10 and my sister's doctor didn't want to see her until she was 9 weeks.  So stay calm  as long as your not doing anything to hurt the baby you should be fine even if you have to wait it out.

  6. you can go but you might no get any help

  7. Yes, I think medicaid wil go as far back as paying 3 mos. unless that has changed too!

  8. Your mom is right, doctors try and deter from people in your situation because there is a chance they will not get paid. The only way you could see a doctor is if they were performing charity work or you paid in cash.

  9. Most will see you on a "Medical Pending" status.

    Then they bill Medical retroactively.

    Just call first, and explain that you are "pending".  They will give you an appointment.

  10. just becareful becuase that woul dbe very expensive to pay with out medicad

  11. yes tell them you applied 4 it and its pending  they did 4 my girl and shes 4 months pregnant

  12. if you go you will be charged the price of the visit you cannot use medicaid unless you are approved for it and only after the date you are approved

  13. Sure you can.  Nothing is stopping you.  You'll just have to pay for the visit.

    Doctors don't do anything the first twelve weeks, except confirm the pregnancy, and put you on prenatal vitamins.  You can do that yourself.  Many docs don't  even want to see you until you're at 12 weeks.

  14. You can go but you will have to pay up front.  Medicaid will reimburse you if you are approved, but it won't be 100%---they will only reimburse you for what they would pay.  My first appointment costed $125---Medicaid paid me $35.

  15. You can go in, but you will have to pay.  Unless of course you go to a free clinic.  Honestly, a lot of doctors won't do much until you are a little farther along anyway.  Here are something things you should start doing:

    - Take prenatal vitamins (you can get store brand at CVS)

    - Stop eating sushi, lunch meat, bacon (unless it is cooked really well)

    - Limit the amount of fish you eat until you see your doctor because a lot fish contains mercury.

    - Stop smoking and drinking (if you do)

    - Try to eat more Omega 3's in almonds

    This is pretty much what I heard during my first doctor's visit.  They don't usually give a sonogram until 10 weeks, so you'll have medical by then.  

    Do a little research on line and I'm sure it will give suggestions on what to and not to eat.

    Best of luck.....

  16. A private OB/GYN doctor will see you, but you will have to pay for the visit and exam.

    You will need to find a OB/GYN who will accept medicaid also.

    You could visit the family planning clinic and see if a doctor there will see you. Payment is determined by income.

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