
Can I still pass for a 30 year old?

by  |  earlier

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  1. go for it! and if you continue to date down the line, tell him your real age! No need to do it right away, although with the photos you have on here, I dont see why age would matter, you look great! Go you!  Live it up, give it a shot, tell him your 30 and have some fun!

  2. You definitely can pass for 29 or 30!  You look great :)

  3. no pic...lame

  4. just tell him the truth.

    if u dont the i dont think

    the relationship is going to

    last  very long and yes u do look


  5. M~i~L~f

  6. We're supposed to have ESP to know what you look like I suppose.

  7. Wow...Your a FREAK!!!

    Poor guy, Thats like having Grandma crushing on you...can you say AKWARD!!

    Kara :D

  8. he's all yours, bag him

  9. 30? h**l you can pass for 21. He too old for you.  

  10. yes!

    you still have the body of a 23 year old too!

    and you're face seems very youthful (no wrinkles, crow feet, laughlines)

    so you're still fresh and ready to jet! (:

  11. Wow.  So you want to be a cougar huh?  I'm 28, and I'd date you in a heartbeat!  If I had to guess how old you were, I'd believe anywhere from 28-33.  I probably wouldn't believe you if you told me 37.  I think you're probably better off avoiding the whole age thing at first rather than lying about it though.  I could deal with the 12 year age difference better than I could someone who was so insecure about it that they had to lie.  I mean if you're lying about something as stupid as that, what else will you be lying about?

    Go get him Cougar (reow).  If it doesn't work out, shoot me a message. ;)

  12. tell him the truth about your age

    you look young

  13. You can pass for 27 :)

  14. i think so.

    love that pic with the watermelon. <3

    who cares if he thinks you look old anyway?

    that shows he is shallow, and obviously not interested enough in your personality.

    you're pretty, love. i say just go for it. =]

  15. Why would you want to go out with an immature, 25-year-old, who probably doesn't own a home, have a secure stable job, and isn't going to want to get serious for at least 5 more years?

  16. i would say you look like u r more 35 then 30!

    oh and if u want to go out with him. i think you should yell him ur real age! because if u end up going out and he thinks ur 30, and he finds out that ur 37 he would probably brake up with you.

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