
Can I still pursue degree if im charged of a felony drug charge. Im a mother and student obtaining degree.?

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Facing a federal drug charge will i still be able to find a job and live a meaningful live to provide for my children. What is the best field to go into with federal felony and area is best to accomdate a person with a felony. I have no criminal background no even a parking ticket but if i am charged what are my chances of actually being a productive citizen.




  1. If you do end up being charged with the felony, you may be a little limited.  

    But no worries, there are many citizens who have charges like yours on their record & are still able to live productive lives & provide for their loved ones. Granted, it may be harder for those who do not have those types of charges...but I suppose our country makes life slightly more difficult for those who break the law to encourage them not to do it again & maybe give some incentive to those who haven't yet.

    Just be honest about your past & show that you are taking strides in the right direction & i'm sure you'll be fine!


  2. Well my friend, I was arrested on a drug charge, found guilty and sentenced to federal prison in 1972, served my time and did 3 years of special probation to complete my sentence.  I did my parole time as a student finishing my degree at the University of Minnesota.   It was a great place to transition back into society, people on campus didn't care what I did but looked at who I was and where I was headed with my life.   Yes, I made a mistake and was determined to never find myself in that position again but it was a struggle to find employment outside of the campus environment.  

      You can pursue just about any degree path you wish but bare in mind that certain choices involve licensing from state boards which may or may not grant you a license to practice.

      I eventually started a business and worked it successfully for 20 years before selling it and retiring, so YES, you can be productive.   St.Augustine said it simply, "if you fall down, pick yourself up".  You can do it...

  3. If convicted you are no longer eligible for federal backed student loans.

    Conviction of a felony will also significantly limit your future job prospects.

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