
Can I still pursue my dreams in acting and or singing if I...? HELP NEEDED PLEASE!?

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Have a disability? It's a rare bone disease called Melorheostosis, nothing mental or anything:) I'm a perfectly healthy girl just have a problem with my left foot, and left hand. I recently had surgery in December '06 and January of '07 ending up having 3 surgeries due to an infection. Now if I ever want to walk, I have to wear a brace. It's pretty much like a prosthesis, except I didn't get my leg or foot cut off! I'm 14 years old and I have a passion for sining and acting, more so acting though. I've never really been in a really play though, except the ones when I was like in 3rd grade for school stuff like that. But now I'm sick of questioning, I want the real answer if I can be a well-known actress and possibly singer. I know I have a disability, but honestly I'm not going to let it slow me down. I want to inspire people to follow their dreams no matter what. So will anyone ever hire me for good roles in movies? Not judging me just cause I don't look exactly like everone else?!




  1. You can make it, it will just be more challenging. And having a disability would probably make you more well known for being able to overcome your disability. Im not sure about acting though. Most roles require walking, but youll just have to see where this disease takes you. And if you can practice singing sitting down, maybe youll make it big. Who knows. Hope this helps!

  2. omj!!! I have total faith in you!!! There was a girl with either the same or simalar disability as you, and she entered a beauty pagent and got pretty far!!! Then she was the topic of talk showsand news everywhere!!! Im not shure when or where this was, but I remember how she inspired many girls all over!!! You can do it, dont let those " perfect " brats hold you back, their most likely no good at all.... lol ..... But if you have the talent, and you know SCAMS from REALITY, your good!!! All you need, is to be put in a play, or musical, or go to a camp that specializes in acting / singing.... and to get an agent, just like everyone else!!!

    Good luck again!!!

    - Becca

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