
Can I still run if......?

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I have shin splints, but I dont want to stop running. The pain is bearable... so can I still run even though my shins hurt.




  1. You can do it, just DON'T FORGET to ice, and stretch your calfs. VERY important! Take care of yourself!

  2. Just ice your legs every time after you run. 15min. on each shin, do this for about an hour. Taking dixie cups and rubbing them on your legs is the best way to get good results.

    Also taking pain killers like ibuprofen or advil to ease the pain when you run.

  3. Many runners experience mild shin soreness, which usually can be tolerated. If shinsplints hits you at the beginning of a season, a certain amount of running through it will help the body adapt, but if it's a persistent problem, you shouldn't run through it.

    If it does persist, ice the inflamed area for 15 minutes three times a day and take aspirin or ibuprofen. Ice immediately after running. To make recovery faster, cut down on running or stop altogether. Recovery time: two to four weeks.

    Try non-impact exercises such as swimming, pool running, walking or cycling in low gear.

  4. As long as you think that you can run without injuring yourself anymore. What I would suggest to you is to just ice before and after you run and take some ibuprofen after the run to increase blood flow and ease the pain. As long as you think that they are not getting worse you should be fine. Just make sure you are not inflicting to much pain on yourself because it is possible to get a stress fracture,but you should be just fine. Good luck and I hope you start to feel better.

  5. no not really you could do something to your shins

  6. Story of my life.  I HATE shin splints.  However, when the pain is bearable it's only going to get worse if you keep running on pavement.  Try running on a field or on the beach so you aren't on a hard surface.  Or you can try changing your shoes, because maybe the ones you have are worn out or don't absorb shock well.  I would suggest to swim or bike until they feel better and then try the other options I told you.  Good luck, and remember heat before you run, ice after, and icy-hot/bengay is your best friend during!!

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