
Can I still sign up for financial aid if the deadline was last month?

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Can I still sign up for financial aid if the deadline was last month?




  1. I believe you can try, but I'm afraid a deadline is simply that... the end of the line.  I'm sure you know this now, but January is the month to get your application in for financial aid.  Even if your applications was accepted after the deadline, odds are there won't be any money left to give you.  But don't despair... you can still apply for many scholarships out there!  I know of a young lady who worked her entire summer doing nothing but filling out scholarship forms... her reward? $35,000.  That's free money...NOT student loans.  So, my friend, get to work... you may be just as fortunate as she was.  You might also find some help at

  2. Yes.  You won't have first priority on grants and scholarships, but you might still get awards such as subsidized loans and work study.  This isn't to say that you're disqualified for the free money, but you're not as likely to get it.

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