
Can I still take a warm bath after I just lost my mucus plug this morning?

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I am 38 weeks. Just had my cervix stripped yesterday, I dilated in a week from 1cm to 2cm and Im 80% effaced. Ive been having contractions and lost my mucus plug this morning. Is it still okay to take a warm bath? Is it reccommended?




  1. NO!! Dont listen to the other people..when you lose your mucous plug or when your water breaks its the worst idea and NOT recommended!

    You are veryy prone to infection if you do it...

  2. Yes, enjoy it while you still have the time to bathe lol. If your water hasn't broken yet, get in and relax while looking at your belly move.

  3. Yes, people give birth in bath tubs, your bag of water is protecting the baby, so it is perfectly safe to bathe. :-)

  4. Yup.  Perfectly normal.  I took quite a few warm baths after losing my mucous plug.

    I admit.  I was concerned when it came out, but after reading some very reliable pregnancy sites.  I was rubbing and a dubbing away.  ^_^

  5. My doctor told me not to but I guess it would be up to you and your health care provider.  Just remember the plug was there to keep stuff out and since you are not in labor with the baby coming out you night not want to allow stuff up in there.

  6. It is safe.  You are only more prone to infection when your water breaks.  Until then, you are fine!

  7. Yes, lots of women give birth in the water!

  8. YES! As long as your water has not broken you can take a bath. That's what your OB will tell you.

  9. You can do anything up until your bag of waters breaks.

    God Bless

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