
Can I still take martial arts when Im in college?

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i dont want to be embarassed but alot of people take martial arts when they are like in middle school or high school and i didnt get that, and i would like to learn how to defend myself and stuff




  1. Of course you can, I take it and I'm in college.  And what about pros?  They take it for years, or decades, into adulthood.  By all means, enjoy it!

    edit:  I didn't study it until college, and I love it.

  2. Well here's an answer to your question. This is a program/venue we are running out of our schools.

  3. It's true that most people start martial arts at a young age, but even though you're in college, you're still relatively young. There's absolutely no reason you can't start now.

    You're a college student, so we know that you're older and more mature mentally, which means you'll be able to learn and understand the concepts faster and better than a 6th grader would. All that's left is the physical training, which like I said, shouldn't be a problem since you're still young.

    I'm in college and I'm still studying new martial arts. The only thing that might be a problem is money, we both know that as college students we only have so much of it :), and martial arts training can make a dent in your wallet...

  4. They even offer self-defense classes AT college.  Go for it.  It's never too late to try something new.  The oldest white belt I've taught was 65!!!

  5. Oh Yea. Your thinkin the same thing I was. Truth is there are people who are wish they started at the age I did which was 20. The truth is that you have plenty of time to get good. Any one that laughs at you is a jerk and not worth your time and they probably won't say anything cause everybody else would tell them to shut up. The people in these places have respect for the martial art there learning. They are going to understand that anyone that is a lot better then you has been TRAINING IN MARTIAL ARTS. Now if your really bad compared to other people who have no prior training that might be embarising but i would still say s***w everyone else and keep training cause even if your unimaginably horrible for the 1st year that dose not mean you might not someday be the best martial artist freaking ever man and thats just true

  6. Yes!

    Many colleges have martial arts clubs.

    Some colleges even have martial arts (especially Judo) as a part of their intercollegiate sports program.

  7. Go for it. It's never to late to start learning.

  8. There is no wrong age to get started.  I started karate in college myself.  Check out the student clubs at your school.

  9. You can take martial arts as long as you're able to move most parts of your body. People begin martial arts at all different age levels. Many people in China don't begin Tai Chi until they are retired senior citizens.

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