
Can I still trade in French franks and Deutsche marks for Euro? If so, what's the exchange rate?

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Can I still trade in French franks and Deutsche marks for Euro? If so, what's the exchange rate?




  1. Yes you can still exchange them. But the problem is that you can only do that at the National Central Banks and only for notes that are not past a certain age. You cannot exchange Francs and DM at normal banks or exchange offices.

    So if you intend to go to Paris anytime soon take your Francs with you and exchange them there at the Banque de France. Same with Germany, here you need to take your Deutsche Mark to one of the 66 branches of the Bundesbank that are spread all over Germany.

    2 Deutschmarks or 7 Francs are roughly 1 EUR.

    You can find the exact exchange rate at

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