
Can I still use my laptop during EarthHour?

by  |  earlier

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If it's not plugged in at the powerpoint? Just thought I should check =)

PS: 8pm tonight all of you better turn off your lights, I'm watching you!






  1. NO YOU MAY NOT. You must sit in the dark and think, "Why?"

  2. I guess you coudl but it is cheating because you are going to need more juice afterwards to charge it.  

    Good Question!

  3. yes if ur laptop is charge already yes because ur not pluging it while its that hour that the light and the power are ebing turnined off

  4. yes actually, if you dont plug in the charger!! im planning on doing just that!!

  5. If you are flying at approximately Mach 2, you could experience the green hour for as long as the jet fuel lasts. Going from East to West… of course.

    You may go down in a ball of flames at the end of your jet ride, but experiencing that "*.day", maybe the last hours you have on this Earth. So drink up and live the moment.


  6. yes by all means plug it in so it won't die on you and fire it up. you should turn on your lights too so your not in the dark.

  7. its 2 am -.-?

  8. technically, you can, but you will just use up the same amount of energy later charging it.  Im going to read a book by candlelight and my laptop is going to turned off and unplugged

  9. These things like earth hour are part of the problem.  Look at you.  You are willing to jump on the bandwagon for one or two hours, but will then go right back to using your computer and watching TV.  We need people to commit to change, not use one hour gimmicks to make themselves feel better about all the energy they normally waste.

  10. What in the world is earthhour?????

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