
Can I store liquid homeopathic mix in water for a long time?

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I have a few homeopathic liquid remedies that I would like to mix together in water so I can conveniently take it at work or in the car..etc. If I put a couple drops of each remedy that I am taking in water, how long can I store it this way and would it be just as effective?

I see there are homeopathic companies selling "complexes" that are pretty much the remedies mixed together in a bottle... so I thought my idea would work too.

Also, do I get the same effect as liquid homeopathic remedy if I dissolve a few homeopathic solid grains in the water, or is the already liquid one more effective? This is out of curiosity as the grain one seems to be cheaper.

Thank you very much!




  1. Yes, they will all be equally effective.

    In fact, they are all conveniently premixed for you, if you like.  Just open a tap and the homeopathic "remedies" will flow out in nearly unlimited quantities.

  2. Homeopathic c**p is basically plain water to begin with.. so mixing water with water isn't going to do anything exciting..

    But if you believe in the laws of homeopathy, BY ALL MEANS, DO NOT MIX THEM TOGETHER!!!  

    The more dilute the substance gets, the STRONGER it gets!!  So mixing it with more water will make it too strong..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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