
Can I stucco a mobile home exterior? Can I raise the roof height and put arched doorways in as well?

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If so, would I have to be out of the home while the new roof was being constructed and would this be a huge project?

I was looking at that "Trailerwrap" website and got the idea for an older single wide we're purchasing. We'd like to totally renovate it and use the shell but we'll probably need to be living in it as well.

Do you think this can be done some way?

Thanks! :O)




  1. Well I don't know about the stucco part but I know you can raise the roof and probably the door ways now if you can personally live with all that construction I have no way of knowing.I know a family did raise the roof to a pitched style from flat and lived in it at the time.If you take out the interior ceiling won't you also have to raise the walls?We did not go in to see the interior,just the outside construction.They had a lot of debris so I am assuming they did raise interior walls to meet new ceiling.What they did was put on the new roof then take out the old ceiling and put in new.Hope that helped.

  2. Permits are a must to renovate a permanent structure.  no way around that.  You can live in while the roof is being added if you leave the old roof on and just build over. (This is of course if it had an aluminum roof, if not then you may need to remove the old one, pray for sunny days, at least 4-5 of them in a row)  As far as the stucco, if your mobile home is on a foundation of some sort or permanent footing where it is stable, then there shouldn't be a problem.  Just remember that the outside walls will need nough support that they will not be able to flex too much or the stucco will crack and you will be doing more repairs.  I suggest vinyl sideing or something with the same flexability if your not on a footing/foundation.  Cost is somewhat less than the stucco so you have more money for a nice roof..  PS> do the roof first and stucco second, the new weight may crack the stuccoed walls.

  3. You be better checking the rules at your trailer park first..

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