
Can I submit car rental expense and also have per diem?

by Guest58984  |  earlier

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As per my knowledge per diem covers lodging + boarding only and it doesn't cover car rental, airfare etc. My question is can I submit car rental expense and also have per diem from the company?






  1. Ask your company.

  2. What is covered by a per diem allowance would be up to your employer. But it is likely that a per diem is for meals. Reimbursement for expenses of air travel, lodging and car rental are generally submitted on an expense account with documentation of the paid expense (i.e. receipts).

  3. Are you talking about some kind of CLAIM here, that you want to submit to the insurane company?  

    Normally, car rental is covered, if you're in a collision with another vehicle and have rental reimbursement coverage, or the other party is at fault and their insurer picks up part of the tab for a rental car, while your car is in the shop.

    Completely unrelated to a "per diem", which normally is an employee reimbursement issue - not an insurance issue.

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