
Can I sue J.K.Rowling?

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I have written a short story about my young nephew Harry and his experiences at boarding school its called "Harry Rotter and the philosophers horsewhip" But apparently this Rowling woman has ripped off my idea, can I sue her for stealing my idea? I too was also thinking of turning it into a film.




  1. You have got to be Joking. RIGHT?? That is such a load, and it would neva stand up in court. You can take it there but be prepared to lose a lot of money.

  2. Of course you can. I'm gonna sue Margret Mitchel because I wrote The Wind That Is Gone in 1898. Matter of Fact, I also wrote the Independent Declaration in 1567, anyone know Thomas Jefferson's mailing address?  

  3. No you can't.

    Well, you could, but you'd lose so fast it'd be like you never tried.

    If she wrote hers first then you lose, and its published so theirs proof of dates.

    Yours I'm assuming isn't published, so theres no proof of dates.

    The only proof of when you wrote it would be if you placed it in an envelope and mailed it to yourself by recorded delivery and NEVER opened it. Its the cheap way of ensuring your copyright on your work is provable.

    But even then, courts can easily claim that your package was "tampered with" and then you're not left with a leg to stand on.

  4. Ha Ha Take it up with court

  5. Of course you should. Bloody woman - who does she think she is?

    Same thing happened to me with my novella "The Michelangelo Code" - although I haven't sued cos I can't get legal aid.

  6. Well, maybe if you alter your story so that it doesn't resemble hers too much, you could go ahead and have it published.  I mean, there are many movies, books, etc. out there that are similar to other books, movies. etc.  

  7. ye u try do that

    shes like the best author ever


  8. Sue her!

  9. maybe if you came up with it about 10 years ago

    and had proof of all the dates

    but sounds like your just messing!

  10. Doubt it. Three thousand years ago I came up with ten really clever ideas for living a decent life and wrote them on tablets of stone. Never saw a freakin' penny.

  11. get stuck in son, we are all behind you

  12. Somehow I don't think your stories were meant for children, Don't think that I am being over critical but when I found the proof copy at Madam Fifi Latours Palace of Fun I was somewhat taken aback at the audacity of the heroine, Camilla Harker- Tolls and the 3rd Troop of the Blues and Royals (including the horses) it was truly amazing that all the horses just  happened to be stallions. The final whip round for the performance of Trooper Artinstalls was inspiring if not literary genius. When I opened Miss Rowling's book I found it tame and insipid not a patch on your masterpiece, Sue the baggage and have done, when the judge reads your novel and finds himself on page 35 he can't help but but give damages to you.

  13. Certainly not.  Legal action is so 20th century.

    You must challenge her to a dual instead.  Traditionally, this is done by throwing down the gauntlet, usually in to a bowl of custard.  If the wench picks it up, she is dutybound to meet you at dawn on a cold and deserted moor.

    You will start with your backs to each other and agree to step twenty paces before turning and firing (assuming you are using shotguns).  If you are cunning, you will turn after only fifteen paces and blast her in the back, thereby maintaining your honour and copyright.

  14. you should defiantly sue ill act as your lawyer for a 20% fee of your compensation  

  15. YES it is possible, but i wish you good luck...i meen GOOD LUCK MAN, and u gotta try getting proof dat u wrote the play

  16. Yes.  Especially if you wrote that Dumbledore was g*y.  Did you... write that Dumbledore was g*y?
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