
Can I sue MCD?

by Guest34504  |  earlier

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I have recently been in the drive through of Mc Donalds and got 2 apple pies. I then realised there was a sticker on them that said: made 12.00 ready 12:10 and discard around 1.30 p.m. I bought the product at 4p.m. which means I was given a product that wasn't fit for consumption. I still have the receipt and the stickers. Can I sue the company????




  1. No. It's not that it's not safe to eat, it's just McD's normal policy to chuck them after that time. Someone might have been fired, but nothing illegal happened.

  2. Maybe not but you could go back and tell them you got sick from it and want your money back or free food.

  3. u can but u won't get nothing out of it

  4. Probably not though but McDonalds isn't very healthy. Even their salds have lots of fat! and it's fatter than something else on their menu but I forgot what it just figured out that a few days ago.)

  5. get your dollar back if you need it that bad. you can't sue for that. duh

  6. In all honesty,  you can sue anyone you wish, but that does not mean you will win your case or even make it to court. The more times you bring a frivilous case to court, the less likely you are to win in the event some catastrophic event occurs and you actually need to sue someone. Personally, I would go talk to the store manager and work out some type of a trade, like some other food, or food coupons that you can take as a payment.

  7. You can for sure. Find a worm from your garden or maybe even a bit of glass. Place it in your intestines and get a xray. Get the copies and go for it. Time sat under a heater causes these sort of fillings.

  8. You should have taken them back and asked for a refund.  You could try suing them if you want to waste time and money.  In today's culture people seem to get money for anything.

  9. No you can't.  The food was OK to eat, just not very's not like apples, sugar, and bread are going to automatically turn rancid if they sit there longer than 5 hours.  Any judge you saw in court about this would probably laugh at you.

  10. when you relizaed what was on it you should have told the drive thru

    you cant sue them for something that stupid

    how much money do you expect??

    a penny?!?

    its a freaking apple pie alright

  11. Why?  You spent a whole dollar.  If you had returned the products to the store they would have refunded you your money or they would have given you a new product.  

    Also, just because it was after 4pm, it doesn't mean that the product was unfit for consumption.

    Get a grip.

  12. Any one who eats McDonald deserves everything they get.

  13. I'm confused by the sticker, it was made at 12:00 (pm I'm guessing) and was ready by 1210, what does that mean? Also sometimes the machines for the stickers are wrong. Parfaits are good for 14 hours, but we don't have a 14 hour button, the closest we have is 12 hour, so we use that sticker and keep them longer.People may think they are getting expired parfaits when they are not. Also pies are good for more then an hour.

  14. You can't sue someone unless they gave you something that physically hurt you and you are having long term problems from it. Like the time the lady spilled the boiling coffee in her lap because they filled it way too full.

  15. dont bother, what mcdonalds has given to this world far outweighs your small mistake.

    leave them alone.  big mac mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  16. dont sue just yet, initially write to them, start proceedings from there! you can also tell them the pies tasted off and you threw them away. In addition threaten taking the matter further......they will offer some sort of compensation, but you were not harmed and damaged so I doubt sueing will work!! and may cost you more than your court fees!

  17. if you think getting a pie that is a few hours old just think of all the other things they do that would make you sick. they prob. just re-heat the pies and slap another sticker on there doesnt matter to me...the pies still rock :)

  18. The best you could hope for here is a voucher for a meal.

  19. It was fit for consumption.It wasn't fit to be sold by Mc Donalds standards.They wouldn't sell anything that would cause any negative publicity or cause a lawsuit.The pie was still good.If it was 6 months or a year old then yes a lawsuit is the order.But a couple of hours nah don't think so.

  20. You can sue but you won't win.  The discard time isn't when it's not fit for consumption.  It's an arbitrary number that MCD has assigned to make sure they are serving fresh apple pies.  They are fit for consumption for at least 12 hours after making them.  That would be like Tim Horton's serving their coffee a few hours after making it when the discard time is written on the pot.  It's just to keep it fresh.  The coffee is still good.

    The best you can do is call the MCD's manager and get a free apple pie.

  21. sue for what?? forcin you to eat a pie a few hours old - i don't think so.  they would probably expect you to check the dates etc before eating the pie anyway.

  22. I doubt it now, you should have noticed in the drive through.... I always check things like that as McD is run by loads of kids who dont always check things like this....

    They were probably ok to eat - they were just not as fresh.

  23. generally its their responsibility to make sure that all foods serve is fit for consumption.  I don't think you can sue them to be honest because you did not eat them. Most people go to the envoirmental dept the dept that deals with food hygiene. They will investigate for you. The most you will receive is your money back and vouchers to spend or a meal.

  24. It's pie, Mamie.

    Pie doesn't get old until it has green on it.  I'd get excited if it had meat in it, but it's fruit and flour and sugar.  How bad, really, can it be?

  25. Why dont you write to MCD explaining your plight and see what they write back to you.You will not be able to sue as it would not be worth the costs.
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