
Can I sue McDonalds for cursing at me?

by Guest65757  |  earlier

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I went to McDonalds and bought some stuff that cost 11.45. I payed it in pennies and they asked me to count it I was at 1200 then I lost count and started all over. I was then mad that they even asked me thism and told them......

Can I sue?




  1. Why would you even pay in pennies?

  2. If you gotten to 1200 you could have just given it to them and they'd have given you 55 pennies back.

    Or more to the point, why didn't you just stop at 1,145?

  3. why the h**l would u carry 1200 pennies?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  4. well why were you paying in pennnys you dont need to sue you were taking to long havnt you ever herd of dollar bill

    sorry but its the truth

  5. yes you can sue them but you wouldn't win

  6. i would make you count them out but you didnt say what they said to you.

  7. No.  You didn't lose anything, they didn't discriminate against you.

    At best you have an amusing anecdote.

  8. Yes! and you can pay your attorney fees in Quarters!

  9. pfff hahahahahahahaha... im not sure. do it again but next time tell them "its your job im not the one working"

  10. The last thing the world needs is stupid people suing for stupid reasons, it happens enough already.  And no, that wouldn't work in court anyway.

  11. You probably could file a claim in Small Claims Court if there were any damages.   But it would cost you more in time and trouble, so why bother.

    Good Luck.

    p.s. I am answering this question with a very new looking screen/page.  It had a little box with CFL image, giving instructions about answering, then it faded away.  The "research box" has Yahoo! or Wikipedia as the area of search.  Then a little box pops up to tell me I have 2 misspellings, but it disappeared before I could click on "Check Spelling".   Wow.  I'm impressed.  

  12. people are stupid.

    Pennies are money, right?

    You dont have to pay in $50 dollar bills all the time...


  13. If they cursed at you out of the blue....then you would probaby have a case,but I don't know there are plenty of websites where you can consult a lawyer and they could see what kind of case you have and how sucessful it would be.....

  14. no .be glad the did not kick you out.most company's won't take that many pennies

  15. I am surprised they accepted the money.

  16. Umm Dr.

    Sorry for this response,but your response is Kinda selfish if you ask me!

    Move on and forgive them.


  17. That's funny. Be happy they didn't beat you up for trying to be funny and wasting their time.

  18. they should sue you for paying in pennies... who does that?

  19. I am sure there is some dumb a** lawyer out there that specializes in this.........................


  20. you could tell thier manager i think but but i dont think you could sue

  21. sorry but that was rude of you.  You needed to roll them up its as if you expected the world to wait for you to count your pennies..I would have been pissed at you too..your lucky they didnt spit in your drink.  And your lucky I wasnt behind you cuz i am kinda short tempered these days

  22. if you were at 1200, then you already had enough, being that 11.45 would be 1145,     Sorry bud, good story though  very funny idea, someone should actually try it.

  23. You can't because any respectable lawyer wouldn't waste their time. You wasted their time by counting to $12.00 when you only need $11.45, and you could have stopped by one of those coin machines to get the change turned into dollars. I am surprised that no one that was waiting in line after you cursed you because I am sure that it took you a long time to count and that they were pretty hungry.

  24. No you can't sue. Where do you Trolls come up with this c**p?

  25. Why didn't you stop counting at 1,145 were you going to give them a TIP????

  26. you took 1200 pennies into McDonalds???   you should be cursing yourself.  If was Mickey D's I'd sue YOU

  27. No, you are lucky they kept your order warm for you. You should have brought them to a bank. That was rude and inconsiderate of you.

  28. hhhahah.

    no your the one who paid in pennies.

    any functioning human being would be mad if you paid for something in pennies.

  29. If you really did that... which I don't think for a second you did...

    1) They didn't curse at you?!

    2) You are clearly mentally retarded because 1200 is more than you needed.

    3) If you did that, it sounds like you were trying to provoke them into kicking you out or something, and then figured you could sue... but they would end up suing you back for damaged reputation... and you would lose everything.

    4) You may just be making this question so you can report all the negative responses...

    Go to the bank with your pennies... it costs more to make a penny than it's worth... they won't last much longer.

  30. Pennies? Did you save enough weekly allowance that your mommy allowed you to ride your bike there??? USE YOUR COMMON SENSE!!

  31. i think you were trying to make them mad. i dont think you would win if you sued them

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