
Can I sue a REO bank for causing me to lose my tenant due to not closing in a timely matter?

by  |  earlier

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Lender required I have a signed lease with tenant as part of loan package. We were given a 30 day close - it has been 60 days and we still have not closed. My tenant was promised taking possession August 1st. The delayed close was totally the fault of the lender and title company. We did not find out there were 3 liens on the property until 35 days after we went into contract. Now 14 days later I am still waiting for a demand on one of the liens and the bank and title company are fighting over who is going to pay these liens. In the meantime my tenant has nowhere to move on August 1st.




  1. Sorry it is not the bank's fault.

  2. Its very difficult to sue a bank - the only chance that you have is if you have a very solid case with lots of proof.  I would not waste the time or money trying to sue them

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