
Can I sue a hospital for this?

by Guest61089  |  earlier

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The other night, I found out some very upsetting news about a death in my family and felt that I needed to speak with a psychiatrist. Because it was after hours and I could not call a therapist, I called my insurance provider, and they told me that there would be a psychiatrist on staff at a hospital around the corner. Well, I went in and asked to speak to someone, little did I know that I was submitting myself for check-in at the local psychiatric hospital. After I was there for about 5 minutes, before I had even filled out any paper work, I realized I was in the wrong place, and tried to leave. I was tackled by two guards who took my cell phone and locked me into a holding area. Obviously I was freaked out and not expecting any of this and yelled at the guards to let go of me....a normal human reaction. That got me labeled as "hysterical" and I was threatened that if I kept putting up a fuss I would be injected and sedated. They would not let me go until I had spoken to a psychiatrist and undergone a complete psychiatric evaluation- These people had NO reason to hold me...I had walked myself into the intake room on my own by mistake. No one else brought me there or was claiming that I was a threat or going to hurt anyone, and I have no history of psychiatric illness, nor was I exhibiting any. I was released after I spoke to a psychiatrist, but now the hospital won't stop bugging me. They keep sending people to my house and job to "follow up", even though I have told them to leave me alone. Today they showed up at my apartment and wouldn't leave until I let them inside. I am completely mortifed and pissed....This whole thing is a giant mistake and I feel that my privacy is being completely violated.

What can I do?




  1. Yes you can, if you didnot voluntary sign yourself in to the hospital or were not brought in by the police department. Having said that,  the hospital in question owes you an apology, maybe a lawsuit. Your insurance provider is the party to sue though because you asked for counciling for sadness of a diseased relative and instead of a wellness advocate you were sent to the loony bin. No joke intended!  If I were you I would consult with an attorney and the state health authority in your area. Good luck and best wishes

  2. That is the craziest thing I've ever heard, I would definitely talk to a lawyer

  3. That sucks..You could probably sue..but how loopy were you when you walked in?  

  4. I would contact patient relations(look under hospital directory) and file a complaint.  It sounds like they thought you were trying to check yourself in but chickened out at the last minute.  They are doing it for mainly safety purposes and "just in case" scenarios.  Most people who are suicidal that check themselves in decide to turn back at the last minute so they couldn't differentuate you from the others.  

    When you call make sure you sound intelligent and try your best not to get angry and start yelling because they will only think you are even crazier than they predicted. Try to sound calm and collected when speaking to not create more confusion.

    They can try and solve your problem for you, just call patient relations.(They are a subdivision INSIDE the hospital)

  5. I dont see why they are guarding you because you where not brought by someone.  I guess its a wrong place at a wrong time situation.  I guess that you could stay with a friend or family member without them bothering you at your home.  

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