
Can I sue for this?

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I have a geo metro from 1994 and I was using it to tow a boat up a fairly large hill in my area. However, my engine sputtered out when I was trying to do this and my car rolled down the hill. There wasn't any permanent damage to my car but I am sort of emotionally distraught as it was a scary experience.

It doesn't say not to tow anything on the back of my car. I'm thinking about suing as I don't feel I am at all responsible. Anyone know any good lawyers, and who would I contact?




  1. Let me get this right.

    You have a 12 year old car and you were pulling a boat up a steep hill.

    Gosh, unless you want to stand in court and be snickered at, I'd just chalk it up to a lesson learned.

  2. Go ahead and sue, but any good defense lawyer would have you for lunch. Towing a boat with a Geo????

    The name of your car  rhymes with your IQ.



  3. The lack of a trailer hitch on a car like that should be an indicator that it shouldn't be used to pull anything weighing more than a stool sample.  If the bumper doesn't say anything about drinking & driving does that mean it's ok to do in that car?

    I'm sure the owners manual probably has a section that says how only morons tow with cars like that.

  4. LMAO  Still LMAO   Good Luck with suing. It doesn't say not to tow anything on the back of my car lol

  5. Geo's are NOT designed to tow.

    It says so in the manual.

    (At least not the years I checked them out.)

    If you weren't injured, forget it.

    If everyone who ever had a scare went to court over it, the courts would be so crowded nothing would ever get done.

    You don't have a case.

    No lawyer will take the case.

    No judge will hear the case.

    Please check with an attorney because this tripe varies from state to state. Spend the money if you you think it is worth it.

  6. Now I understand your avatar!  But, hey, wish I had been there because that had to have been pretty funny. But, if you still have your manual you could see that it probably left out a lot of things you shouldn't try with that little toy car.  The positive side is that you learned something and, hopefully, won't try that again.  And the negative side is:  if you were behind the wheel, you ARE responsible.

  7. Who would you sue? You are trying to pull something with a car that has a small engine. That never works. Physics and all that. That's why when you see people pulling campers and boats, they are most usually driving a truck. You would be laughed out of court.

  8. This would be considered frivolous and would likely be dismissed, if you can even find a lawyer to take it. Like you said, there is no permanent damage, so there is no claim. The lesson here is to not use 15 year old cars with tiny engines to tow anything.

  9. It's a Geo, what do you expect?
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