
Can I sue husband's girlfriend for breaking up my marriage?

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This woman worked at the same job I did and she wasn't satisfied with just sleeping with the DOG but she would make erroneous reports on me to the our supervisor, call the police for an escort to get home, and brag to other employees of how much he spent on her. He was dumb enough to use most of his savings and open up an account in her name so I couldn't touch it. She is very proud of what she done. This DOG is an disabled veteran (100%) and a military retiree who is simply out of his mind. When I married him I did not know that I was going to be the 7th marriage and he left me in $50,000 debt because of his doing.




  1. Yes, same thing.

    He is immoral, not illegal.....same as really cant sue them for anything other than emotional distress and that may be thrown out...

  2. Nope nothing you can do, sorry

    that sucks....

  3. Well, if you are still legally married to him. Then you can press charges on him for adultery. Other than that, you have nothing.

  4. Why sue her? Your Husband broke up your marriage by being unfaithful.!

    If it wasn't´t her it would have been somebody else.

    She didn't swear to anything when you got married, your husband swore to forsake all others. So sue him for breach of contract. She has nothing to feel responsible about.

    Open your eyes and see that it is him who is the wrong doer. She is just a victim like you.

  5. The way you explain him i think you should thank her>Love thy enemy it will drive them crazy>

  6. She didn't break up your marriage honey, he did. She just took advantage of someone willing to cheat...but it was his choice to do so, and his choice to treat her as he did.

    Hopefully you can work with the courts to have the debt shared, if some of it was for her, she'll learn what type of loser she latched on to soon enough. Karma will take care of that.

    Good luck getting your life back on track...and having him pay whatever portion of the debt that should be his.

  7. Talk to a lawyer, you should be able to sue her for intentional financial damage, as well as malicious slander (reporting you falsey to your supervisor etc)

    You should be able to have a settlement in court to sort out his debt. If you can prove that it wasnt existing when you got married, and that it occured without you knowing then you should be able to clear it from your name at least.

  8. You can get an attorney and see if there are any grounds. It sounds like you are better off without him and I hope you and the other woman are not at the same job still. If he left you 50 thousand in debt you can see if you can recoup some of the money. Good luck to you.

  9. you can sue her but you won't get anything. Sorry you got hurt and stung so badly. I understand how that feels. You should be able to make him pay for at least half the debts though. that is where i would start a lawsuit at.

  10. I don't think so, it would be great though.  I guess if a woman could sue McDonald's for spilling hot coffee on her self due to her own stupidity, and won.  Don't worry what goes around comes around.


  11. sorry babe that wont really do anything.

  12. Yes you can sue...

    Even him too.

    Based on breaking marriage vows (for him)

    For her, based pain and suffering that she has caused you

    But good luck finding an attroney that will take it.

    But small claims is a strong possibility, Do it yourself, and start making a journal with dates, and actions, and money lost.

    But be careful not to make yourself look psycho

  13. No you cant sue her. But most of all it should have been a sign when he had been married 6 times before you i mean come on when someone has been married more than 2 times there is a problem. I think you should be more careful in the guy you choose next time.

  14. I know you are mad inside and you are frustrated by the injustice of this whole deal.  But, I learned this in life...what goes around, comes around.  So don't worry.  l**k you wounds and start again.  Money comes and goes, but, you can hold up your head and walk away.  Scrape your shoes off on these two people.   They are not worth a second of your life now.

  15. Dont sue her, thank her.  

    Thank her for saving you out of a bad marriage.

    Thank her for saving you the effort for having to live with a disabled veteran.

    Thank her for saving you the face to be married to a guy like ur ex husband.

    Again, please thank her, dont sue her.  You are just hurt now bec ur ego has been wronged, but time heals and i promise, u will thank her for helping you get rid of that DOG out of ur life.

  16. A 7th marriage should have been a warning sign for you. It shows that he is not a stable relationship guy or all of the women he wa with her losers.

  17. You have to assign blame to her and that's hard to do in a court of law concerning affairs.

  18. Nope.  It was just immoral, not illegal. Sorry

  19. Well sad part is he is responsible for his decision. You can't hold others accountable cause you lost your flipping mind over them and became their puppy dog. She sounds a little nutty and obviously sucked him in.

  20. Some states have an alienation of affection law. You can look into it. The other thing is if you have proof of money he spent on her you might be able to sue her to get it back since it also belonged to you. Probably not worth the headache though. As for the erroneous reports-sue her for slander/libel. But come one...7th marriage? Were you expecting anything different?

  21. Actually in some states you can sue someone up to $4,000 or so if they caused harm and interfered in your marriage. I would check it out.  

  22. Very recently, on Good morning America, I saw an article about a woman who succesfully sued the other woman for alieniation of affection and won.  I don't remember what state they lived in. but contact a multitude of lawyers in your state.  Don't give up after a couple turn you down.  See what you can do and maybe br a role model for others in your circumstance.  These bimbos need to be accountable.

  23. Yes, you CAN sue her.   Do you remember a few years ago there was a TV movie about a woman who did do this, and WON!   I can't remember exactly which state the case took place in but if you searched online I am sure you could find out more about it.  

  24. she may have pursued him but he made the choice. i doubt if there is much u can do with it, unfortunately theres no law against stealing someones husband.

  25. Yes you can sue HER defamation. Him, im not sure.

    d**n im so sorry to hear that.

  26. In some states there is what is called 'alienation of affection' - talk to a lawyer.

  27. Get a lot of alimony from him. He has to take at least 1/2 of the debt and if you can prove he cheated, or had a girl prior to finalizing the divorce, stick him with teh entire debt and get as much alimony from him as possible. You will need a good lawyer though. there is nothing you can do to the girl.

  28. you can sue for slander.  for soreading rumors that injur your reputation. for the rest, sue him and include the attorney fees.

  29. She is not the one that broke up your marriage. She did not cheat on you and break your vows. With a man that has been married that many times how can you blame someone else for his cheating ways? What she did was not right but what he did was worse.  

  30. There's nothing you can do, but isn't he the one you had a commitment with you, not her?  

  31. Yes, you made a mistake in marrying him, you have to accept your faults in the situation and then move on.  Don't waste any more time and start enjoying your life.  

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