
Can I sue my GP for causing unnecessary scarring to my legs? Thanks in advance for any help.

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I had 2 warts on my legs that I needed to be removed. I had another one removed a few years earlier by minor surgery and it was quick, easy, pain free and left no scarring.

On this visit I asked the Dr for the same procedure of minor surgery to remove these other two as it had been so successful the first time, but he declined and said he will do it by cryosurgey (freezing) instead .

I said that I think the skin on my legs was too sensitive to be frozen and he disagreed. He went ahead with the freezing procedure.

The pain was unbearable. After five months of pain and swelling and having to put plasters on everyday to cover the unsightly sores, they have healed but are badly scarred ( they look like two huge cigar burns on my legs)

When I went back to the Dr he said " ooh they are bad aren't they, it must have been very cold that day" ( meaning the cryosurgery spray being cold). "I'm sorry".he said.

Is there anything I can do, do you think I have a case?.




  1. make a conplaint to the practice manager, stating everything you have said here, if you are unsatisfied complain directly to your primary care trust, good luck.

  2. There are creams that you can purchase to diminish the appearance of scars such as Mederma. Vitamin E oil is also very helpful.

    Cryo removal is the most common treatment for wart removal so much so that you can purchase a product over the counter that will freeze a wart to remove it. The wart may have been deep and this is why you have the scarring.

    I think that this is a frivolous lawsuit if you pursue it as there are things that you can do to diminish the scars and they will also fade with time.

    The skin on your legs being "sensitive" has nothing to do with it. I just had a tattoo on my calf and barely felt it. Sensitivity and scarring have nothing to do with each other.

    Get some cream or oil and use it several times a day, they will fade away. If you must you can cover them with makeup until they do fade.

  3. First off, you can't sue em, unless theres a dead body.. There so protected under the laws nowadays its sad..

    And secondly like the other person said you didn't have to go thru with it, if you were unsure you should of left, and possibly went back to the other doctor that removed the other warts..

    Good luck

  4. No, it's not the doctors fault if you have a funny body that reacts in this way.  Perhaps you are run down because you have not been eating your vegetables.  If that is the case your scarring is self inflicted.

  5. I would see what he recommends.. maybe like Maderma for scars or something. Honestly, I believe our world has become "Lawsuit Happy" and want to sue anyone at the drop of a hat just to get compensated/get money. I would try Maderma, its an over the counter scar minimizer that actually can make scars disappear (whether they are new scars or old). It's not like your body has been disfigured. They are two small scars and unless you are an established "leg model" then I don't think you really have a case. Courts will ask how it has altered your life, what has it prohibited you from doing, is your quality of life different than it was before??? And I'm afraid you won't be able to answer any of those questions in a positive light to get compensation for it. Sorry.

  6. No. You might find a shyster lawyer who'll fight your case but I doubt it.  

  7. Consult a solicitor who specialises in medical negligence and they will tell you if you have a case. Whatever you do don't complain to the surgery, or the PCT as records will be lost and everything will be covered up.

  8. no u dont

    cuz if u really really didnt want him to freeze it

    u couldve left

  9. I don't think you have a case.  Cryogenic surgery is a very common practice for removing skin cancers and precancerous skin problems.

    However, it may not be appropriate for wart removal.  In that case, you might have some grounds to sue him.  But if you sue, you would have big legal expenses, so you would have to sue for a very large amount and find a lawyer who would handle it on a contingent fee basis.

  10. I'm no lawyer but I don't think you have. It's not like he held you down to do it and you agreed to have it done. Those marks will become less visable in time but you want it now.

  11. If you can afford the legal costs you could try.

    The doctor will be defended by the legal team from his professional body and they will string the case out so your costs will escalate.

    But if you have the money you go ahead and see what happens.

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