
Can I sue my house owner if there are no locks in my house?

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Well i have a lock on my door but there are no locks currently installed in my front door.see this is a 2 floor house

i live on top and someone lives on the bottom

im rlly worried about my sercurity




  1. He is supposed to provide you with a lock. The only way he can be sued if something was stolen from you which would make him responsible because he fail to take care of a problem that he caused by not installing a lock for you. I would have a lock put in or do it yourself and duct it off your rent.

  2. If this is a common entry for two separate units, I doubt there is any requirement that it have a lock.

    Another lock would provide another level of security but I think you would have to make a deal with the landlord.

    Locks are a pain in the rear for landlords. You might be surprised at how many cheapskate cheats skip out in the middle of the night owing rent, foregoing the deposit (that doesn't cover what is owed) and never return the keys.

    That means the locks have to be changed. I certainly can understand a landlord not wanting more locks to have to change with the costs coming out of his pocket. They should be changed between renters but more locks cost more.

    You might be able to make a deal, get him to agree if you pay for it yourself. Then he can put the old doorknob back on when you are gone.

    Sorry, but I already wouldn't want you as a renter if you are willing to sue to get another lock.   Sheesh.  

  3. wouldnt you have settled that matter prior to moving in?  ask your house owner to install a lock

  4. So intall a lock on your apt door.

  5. It's silly to sue, and a waste of time.

    Better to remind your landlord that most state laws require them to provide lockable entry.  I bet he'll work with you.

  6. It's usually not a good idea to sue your landlord just install a lock on your apt.door

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