
Can I sue someone for accusing me of a crime? can i sue the store he works for?

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Can I sue someone for accusing me of a crime? can i sue the store he works for?




  1. No.

  2. the wording (what was said) is the key, as opposed to what you actually said and did in the store, and what the employee said and did. Certainly report the incident to store management and get a copy of the incident report. Then check with a lawyer to know your rights. There is a lot of "gray area" in these situations

  3. Well, if it was a big, public spectacle that was more of a public embarrassment than anything else, and if you were found innocent, you might have a leg to stand on.

    You cannot, however, sue the store he works for, since the store didn't accuse you, he did. It'd be just like suing someone because their grandmother was mean to you.

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