
Can I sue the FCC when this election is over? No more competent MEDIA LEFT AT ALL?

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It is in MY opinion that there are no more "RELIABLE" media left in this country when it comes to this election!

Does anyone else agree?

Can I sue every single media outlet?




  1. Agreed.  If I say anymore I'll be reported - the SHEEP are sensitive!!!

    Oh, and if you don't believe me, check out my file with all the so-called "violations"!!!

  2. You should have started to sue for the past 8 years, starting with a the lies done by this current administration, Republican.

    By the way all Republicans posting on yahoo answer are a bunch of hypo, now you see red and blue but for the past 8 years you only saw RED.

  3. Go ahead. You can sue for pretty much anything these days but you will find it a waste of money and time.


    check out the NEW MEDIA

    this is a great independent pod cast and interesting debates at the forum section

  5. Sue them over what?  You sound like a liberal.  

    Please do your own homework rather than rely on the MSM and litigious behavior.

    What is this country coming to when people cannot take responsibility for their own behavior?  Pathetic.

  6. Of course you could sue the media, but you will not win.  The FCC has immunity, since it is a government agency.  Watch Fox News.  They may be conservative, but they do give a wide variety of news.

  7. You might try, but you probably don't have "standing".

  8. Erm...the FCC is not a media's the Federal Communications Commission.

    I think you better do some research or you'll waste a ton of resources for nothing.

  9. you can sue FOX, because they do make people dumber.

  10. LMAO! Yes please do sue. I have to agree. I have to watch CNN and Fox News to get a complete picture, But I still have to sift out the c**p.

  11. Well said. The US media is a complete laughing stock to the rest of the world, and is viewed as being along the lines of the old Soviet propaganda rag Pravda.

    Many Americans won't like to admit it , but one of the most unbiased reprting websites is that of al-Jazeera. They report in a pretty even handed manner, and you getthings from an Arab persepctive instead of just the latest shite from the White House or 10 Downing St etc. I also visit John Pilger's website frequently, as he is in my opinion the greatest living investigative journalist, and is not afraid to speak the truth. Be warned, accessing those pages will mean the national security agencies will probably be monitoring your web use though!

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