
Can I sue the council for the damage speed bumps do to my car?

by  |  earlier

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For the past 3 consecutive years my car has needed new front bushes that have been damaged by speed bumps that are strewn around the streets where I live, some are as much as 6-7 inches high at their peak. Which is the one I have to drive over every day to get out of my road. No matter how slow I go, (being a small car) it always bounces the car on either approach or coming off the hump which I am sure is causing the damage.




  1. Try driving slower over them.

    Also, ( only do this if safe and the road is long enough ) where I live there is 12 speed bumps on quite a small road, I've had my car damaged as well, and there is no way you can sue.

    So, what you do is drive down the middle of the road, left tyres on left speed bump, right tyres on right speed bump, then your bumper doesn't touch neither!

    Worked for me for the past couple of months, just don't drive fast in case a car comes from the other direction unexpectedly.

  2. most all cities the city is exempt and you can do nothing to them.

  3. Yes you can and should. If a few more drivers made an issue of this we might get rid of them.

    Check on:

    and see if they meet the regulations. If what you say is right they probably are out of spec. Then go for them through the small claims court. You will need a report from the workshop doing the MOT/Repairs stating that the damage is probably/almost certainly caused by the humps.

    Another approach is with the supplying dealer as the car wasn't fit for use on modern roads

  4. No, but you can petition the city to have them removed... Check with your neighbors and get their opinion...If enough of you agree that the speed bumps do more harm than good, then find out how to get a petition drive going to have them removed...Somebody way back when thought it was necessary to put them there to control the flow of traffic for some reason (speed, kids)...Take your concerns to a city or town council meeting and present your case there...Get an opinion from the fire dept to see how those speed bumps would affect the serviceability of responding fire trucks which don't have much in the way of suspensions and how that might impact public safety...Do a little homework, make your case, watch it get done.

    All the best

  5. no i am afraid not just tray and go over them a little bit slower

  6. Find out what the council say is the legal maximum height and then measure yours to see if they conform. If not complain. If they do, I'm afraid there is nothing you can do.

  7. try driving over them very slowly xx good luck xx

  8. It might be a defect in the car. Go to your dealer and have them find out if your car has any recalls.

  9. You can try, but you would lose the case.

  10. Speed bumps,by law are only allowed to be a certain height. I'm not entirely sure what that is. If you contact your local roads dept. they should be able to provide you with that info.

    What kind of "small car" do you drive? Some makes especially Fords, have a tendency to wear out bushes quicker than others (personal experience!)

    Unless you can prove the speed bumps are over the recommended height i'm affraid you may not have a claim!

  11. No. There is absolutely no chance you can sue for damage.

  12. As long as you drive over them slowly and they are the cause then you can claim compo!!! I hate them speed bumbs BUT speedbumps do save lives unlike speed camera's which are just piggy banks for the gov.

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