
Can I sue the police for false arrest after hitting another man since it's not illegal?

by Guest33803  |  earlier

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I know hitting a woman is illegal but male on male assault is not.




  1. you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. where did you ever get that a man hitting a man is not legal?have you ever heard of assault?

    ----------retired texas deputy sheriff----------

  2. Sure Matlock, go with that argument. See how long the judge can keep a straight face when you speak in court..hahahahaha.    I almost made it.

  3. Hitting someone (male or female) is assault.  

    If the guy fought back you might have something to argue.  Instead you beat on someone who wasn't defending himself or fighting back.  You are screwed.

  4. Any lawsuit requires you to prove damages and negligence. You will not be able to prove negligence when the officer was simply doing his job and keeping the peace.

    The fact he did not defense himself is not pertinent.

    Assault is illegal, man or woman. You need to check the source of your information.

  5. the police dept could make your life is not worth it

  6. You have to have been attacked first and no matter who started it, your both arrested leaving it to a court judge to decided who threw the first punch. if only you were arrested then the cops must had reasonable doubt.

  7. What would make you want to hit another man?Especially if he didn't fight back.Guess you felt pretty silly!!

  8. No.  There is nowhere in the United States that allows one guy to hit another guy without a crime being committed.

    Assault is assault, regardless of the s*x of the people involved.

    How did you not know that?


    I read it.  

    The "Duluth Model" is NOT a law.  Even if it were, it pertains to "domestic violence" which is not the only kind of assault there is.  I promise, I have arrested plenty of guys who assaulted other guys.  They have been convicted; you were not falsely arrested.

  9. Hitting someone is illegal no matter who it is, even if the man getting assaulted is not injured.

  10. Directly from the MINNESOTA CRIMINAL STATUTES:

    Assault in the First Degree: Is the unauthorized touching of another that causes great bodily harm.

    Assault in the Second Degree: Is the unauthorized touching of another with a weapon that causes substantial bodily harm.

    Assault in the Third Degree: Is the unauthorized touching of another that causes substantial bodily harm.

    Assault in the Fourth Degree: Is the unauthorized touching of a peace officer that causes demonstrable bodily harm.

    Assault in the Fifth Degree: Is the commission of an act with intent to cause fear of immediate bodily harm or death; or inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm on another.

    Domestic Assault: Is the commission of an act with intent to cause fear of immediate bodily harm or death; or inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm on a family or household member.

    There is NOTHING in any state laws, Minnesota or otherwise that allows a person to assault another.

    No, you can't sue. You should still be in jail. Accept responsibility for your own actions.

    You need some professional counseling..

  11. Geez..............Just who reminds you to breathe in the morning?

    YOU hit someone, someone who did not offer any defense for YOUR attack. You are in fact guilty of assault.........

    Don't believe everything you ready on the web............

  12. Did the other man ask you to hit him, or did he at least consent? Then you have reason to have the case dismissed.

    But even in that case, if a police officer sees you beat someone, he can take you into temporary custody to sort things out. False arrest would be being held without probable cause, but the probable cause was you hitting someone.

    And your notion that only women can be assaulted is idiotic. Assault is a crime of violence against another *person*. And I know that because I have pressed charges as assault victim, and I am a man.

  13. no you can not sue the police for false arrest. Yes it is illegal. The Duluth MODEL is just that, a model. most if not all domestic assault statutes include all types of domestic relationships and if you don't have a domestic relationship with the other male its still an assault.

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