
Can I survive in college if i didn't do so well in high school?

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I am currently enrolled in a community college, and this year i have to apply to a university in order to transfer. I was thinking about applying to cal poly slo since i have a decent gpa (3.3). If i do make it, i doubt i will survive. I am terrible in English and Math, which are the two basics skills needed to graduate from college. In high school, I wasn't a bright a student(2.5gpa), which showed in the fall semester in Community College. You think i can survive? I admit, my writing skills improved slightly, but not enough to write a excellent essay...




  1. You should consider getting a writing tutor or going to the Writing Center once in the 4 year university.  Most universities have these programs, for free, and they will help you improve your writing skills.  As for the math issue, well not all majors need to use math, for example poly sci, anthropology, sociology, linguistics, etc.  Just pick a major that suits your strong attributes and you should be fine.  Also, make sure you treat each college day like a job, work from 9-5 and you should be able to successfully graduate.

  2. It really depends how hard you tried in high school and hard you plan to try in college. I got B's-D's in highschool(and 1 F) my first 2 year then my last two years I sort of tried and got straight A's(Even got a 100 in a couple classes). I ended up with a 2.9 GPA. I'm now starting my second year at a 4-year college. I received a 3.7 GPA for my first and second semester of college.

    Keep in mind, I'm taking a very challenging course load as well.

    (Calc-based physics, Calculus 2, Computer Programming, Global Issues, and Spanish 1) this semester

  3. If you can survive community college, you'll be OK.  

  4. Yeah, you'll survive. Just don't s***w yourself over by not working hard at a University.

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