
Can I suspend one of employee for alleged forging signature on a contract or no?

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Can I suspend one of employee for alleged forging signature on a contract or no?




  1. Uh, yes.  You can probably fire them if you want.

  2. In the US, you can always suspend an employee for criminal action.

    But be prepared to prove it.

  3. key word  alleged

    You can suspend until  the case is settled  if found guilty  can press charges

    if Innocent  re instate  and pay back wages

  4. Suspend him? Of course you can.

    It would be foolish to do so, though - you know he does this. If you don't fire him, and he does it again, your firm may be liable because they kept him on staff in the knowledge that he might do it again.


  5. You can't fire someone for their "alleged" involvement in something against policy. You have to have proof with some factual data to document. Just suspecting someone won't cut it in court.

    But...if you're an at will employer you could technically get rid of someone anytime but that can still come back and bite you if they knew you did it because you suspected them of something and didn't address it and find the truth.

  6. Depends on the state. In Texas you can let one go for any or no reason. The same as an employee quiting.

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