
Can I switch my regular gas-fueled minivan to an alternative fuel vehicle?

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Just wondering if this is something that can be done on any vehicle? If anyone knows anything about this I would be really interested in learning where I can get this done and how much it might cost on average. Thanks :)




  1. 1. Can be because your minivan can actually utilize biofuels and ethanol-based fuels, cooking oil-based fuels, don't to need to change parts, there's no need for preignition.

    2. Compression valves- LPG van.

    3. Fuel cells compartment- Hydrogen van.

    4. Electric recharger- Electric cell van.

  2. Craigslist can magically transform any vehicle into any other vehicle :)  

    Buy one that burns alternative fuels (hint: any diesel) and you're all set.

  3. As it sits about the only alternative fuels you could use are propane, natural gas and hydrogen.  Most engines that use gasoline will operate on these fuels without major internal modifications but will require special fuel tanks for fuel storage.  The costs for conversion are relatively low, around $3-4000 for a complete setup though this will vary depending on features and performance desired.

    I've seen trucks from the gas companies that run on natural gas and I've worked in warehouses where forklifts operated on propane.  You need to ask yourself these questions before proceeding with this project:

    -Do you have mechanical abilities to do such a conversion or do you know someone who can do the conversion?

    -Will you have a sufficient source of fuel available where you live?  How easy is it to get natural gas, propane, etc?

    -Is a dual fuel system better, i.e.: keeping the existing gasoline system intact and having an auxiliary system using natural gas, propane, or hydrogen?  Keep in mind a car that runs on various types of fuel may lose some efficiency due to the fact that it can run on different fuels.

    Have you considered a 100% electric vehicle?  If you drive less than 60 miles per day this might be a venue to examine.  All electric cars can perform as well if not better than their gasoline counterparts but lack the range.  So if you don't mind shorter trips and charging up at night then they're for you!

    I'm going to be converting my friend's Honda Civic to 100% electric soon as it will be just a commuter car to and from work and he will keep his gasoline powered car for longer trips.  We have estimated that this will cost around $7000 to complete.

  4. no.

    well, unless what you're using comes out of a regular gas pump, and is intended for normal gas fueled cars.  (the pump really doesn't matter -- it's just an indication that you're using stuff intended for a regular engine.)

    now i suppose, you might be able to fine a diesel engine, and run it on used cooking oil.  but it would be really expensive, and not likely to work.

  5. No, there really aren't a lot of options for gas vehicles.  You might be able to use an ethanol blend, but that's actually worse for the environment (if it's corn-based ethanol) and gives you less fuel efficiency than just using gasoline.

    You can always sell the minivan and buy a hybrid or electric car!

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