
Can I swith my health insurance provider durring my pregnancy?

by Guest11045  |  earlier

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I recently resigned from my job and found out I am pregnant. Can I swich my insurance durring a prenancy? I have not even seen my OBGYN yet. My cobra is very expencive. I have had insurance coverage for over a year with my current provider. I live in Florida.




  1. You may have a problem.

    The answer above is entirely correct.

    You could return to your previous position, if you can handle it.  The insurance plan may allow for continued coverage, or it may require a new waiting period.  

    Of course, you can go the COBRA route, since that is probably less expensive than paying for the visits from your own account.

    You mention you have had insurance 'with my current provider.'   You are still covered by...?  Contact your former company to obtain the provider's phone number.  Call the company that issued the group policy.  You may have a shot.

    For the sake of the child, 'Good luck!'

  2. I think pregnancy is the only think (at least in NYS) that can not be considered a pre-existing condition.  Whatever insurance you go to be sure to ask if your condition is "pre-existing" and therefore not coverable.  

    Many OBGYNs take a global rate on services.. ie; they dont get paid every time they see you for every little thing. They get a flat rate after delivery so if you had seen a dr already it could be tricky.  If you havent tho you should be ok.  Do you not plan on getting COBRA because of its price?  Maybe see if there is a low-cost government subsidized insurance to carry you through your time of need if Cobra is too much (I know how it can be really high).

  3. Most Insurance companies will consider it a pre-existing condition, and will not provide coverage. Your only option would be getting hired at a new company that offers Healthcare as a benefit, they would have to allow you to sign up for their program. As long as they know you are pregnant when they hire you of course.

  4. Sure you can, but good luck finding a new provider willing to take you, while you're pregnant.  Unless you get hired (yeah, good luck on that if you're showing), you won't get maternity benefits, either, under the new plan.

    I think you're stuck with the cobra, unless you can get added to your husband's plan.

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