
Can I sync my two computers music?

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I have two computers, a laptop and a tower PC. I was wondering if there was a easy way to sync their music, so that I would have the same music on my laptop as I did on my tower. How do I do this, if possible?




  1. Yes.

    Which operating system are you using?

    If it's Vista

    To find Sync Center on your own, click the Start button , click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Sync Center.

    There are no server settings to worry about, even if you sync with a folder on a network server. All you have to do is tell Sync Center what files and folders you want to sync, where to sync them, and when. This set of rules—which represents a partnership between two or more sync locations—is called a sync partnership.

    You can schedule Sync Center to sync your partnerships as often as you want. You can schedule an automatic sync on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, or when a specific event occurs, such as every time you log on to your computer. You can also perform a manual sync at any time, such as when you are getting ready to disconnect a mobile PC from the network and want to make sure you have the latest copies of files on a network server.


    Every time you sync files between two locations, Sync Center compares the files in both locations to see if they still match or if any have changed. It determines if any files need to be updated in order to stay in sync.

    If the files differ, Sync Center determines which version of each file to keep and copies that version to the other location, overwriting the other version there. It selects the most recent version to keep, unless you have set up the sync partnership to sync differently.

    If a file has changed in both locations since the last sync, Sync Center flags this as a sync conflict and asks you to choose which version to keep.

    If the files are identical in both locations, Sync Center does nothing because the files are already in sync.

    If you have added a new file in one location but not the other, Sync Center will copy the file to the other location.

    If you have deleted a file from one location but not the other, Sync Center will delete the file from the other location.

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