
Can I take a 1 week old newborn to the park?

by Guest21479  |  earlier

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I want to take my daughters out to the park to see a kids football game. I was wondering if anyone knows if it's a good idea to take a newborn out? Thanks!




  1. yeah it's your kid. just be sure to dress the child appropriately for the weather. then be sure to have a diaper bag with formula, bottle, and water or if u breastfed have a bottle prepared.

  2. It's fine to take a newborn out. Just make sure baby maintains a good temperature and doesn't get to cold or to hot. People have a way of touching babies even if they are strangers so you'll want to keep baby covered up and off limits to them. A stranger once pulled the blanket off my stroller and reached in trying to touch my daughter when she was a newborn. As long as you're prepared to stand up for yourself and not allow strangers to touch and hold your baby exposing her to germs I think it would be fine.  

  3. sure just make sure that it has an extra layer of clothing on more than what you wear and lots of little blankets.  

  4. When my daughter was 2 wks. old I took her to the park in a baby sling, that way no one would try and touch her and she was still comfy.

  5. Really depends on the weather.  If it is going to be hot or rainy or anything it would be best not to or if you think there will be a lot of people wanting to come around the baby then it would be best not to take a newborn.  

  6. personally i would wait at least a couple  more weeks...just my opinion

  7. Hey I'd take my child out!! why would you be concerned? your baby has as strong of an immune system as you do, and at that age they are so portable! and good for you for having the energy and desire to take your one week old out!!! and CONGRATS on the new baby!!

    I had my son out and about since we were home from the hospital and he's healthy!

    I don't know why people tell you to wait your baby isn't allergic to the sun lol!

  8. It's not such a good idea since her immune system is still strengthening and there are many germs from dogs, kids, other animals, etc.

  9. Umm no, that woulden't be such a good idea.

  10. its okay being outdoors is great for babies (not crowded malls), just keep him out of the sun and dont let anyone touch him...bring hand sanatiser for yourself.

  11. I am a twin and was premature, and I weighed 5 lbs when I left the hospital, and my mom went shopping on the way home. Nothing happened to me. Just keep the baby covered and don't let everyone that sees her hold her and pass her around.

  12. Depends on the weather.  Too hot or too cold I wouldn't.  

  13. If it's overly noisy or extremely hot or cold then I wouldn't but otherwise an outing would probably do you both some good. I personally would be keeping it fairly short and sweet. My dr told me that you can't beat yourself up over everything or listen to everyone else's opinion all the time he said "if it seems reasonable then it probably is" I think that's great advice

  14. only if tyrone lets yous!

  15. I would say no because of the germs not so much the weather...

  16. its ok to take your baby out.  make sure they aren't sitting in the wind. make sure she has plenty of blankets (even if its nice out, babies get cold).  make sure her stroller has a shade featuer.  dont let anyone pick her up and hold her or touch her (especially at this young age, there are too many germs).

    the wind is really important though b/c it can lead to earaches.

    i took my son walking along the pier and beach often.  he was pretty snug in his carseat/stroller.

  17. What Ashely K said! And make sure she's dressed appropriately.

  18. Outdoor air is cleaner than inside air.  Part of the reason we get sick more in the winter is we spend more time indoors AND the indoors gets less fresh air (closed windows).

    Obviously make sure baby isn't too warm or too cold (duh) and not in direct sunlight (duh) and not being eaten alive by bugs (duh).

    Oh and assuming you are smart enough you didn't need the last  3 warnings you won't need this one either but its for the weirdos who think babies should be kept in a box on the shelf lest they break -if baby gets hot, cold, or upset you can GO HOME.  Its not like if you go you are committed to staying no matter what!

    (Clearly we all died out before they invented central air and cars.  And there are clearly no babies in the third world at all)

  19. Yes of course!, wrapped up fully against the cold and wind or sparsely covered and shielded against the heat, yes why not?, for an hour? as long as you are an attentive mummy prepared to go home if the newborn seems to need to.

    Welcome little one! this is life!!  

  20. If it wasn't okay for the baby to be out, then you wouldn't have been allowed to leave the hospital!

    Babies can go outside from day one.  Dress them appropriately, make sure they have a place to sleep (pram, etc) and keep your eye on them.  Take all of the supplies you will need, and be prepare to leave the football game in an instant if it just gets too much for you -- ie/ baby starts crying and you can't handle it out in public.  

  21. As long as you keep her out of the sun and make sure she's warm enough she should be fine. My  5 month old loved to go outside when she was a newborn. I think its a nice change of scenery for them, even though they can't see that well yet.

  22. course its ok!!!! just make sure she's dressed appropriately for the weather, keep her in the shade and dont let her swallow too much wind and most of all have fun!!!!

  23. fine just watch the weather and if it's cold cover her up.

  24. get someone to watch the need in taking chances...

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