Hi, I am taking a computer and information science class online, so I will not be going to campus for it. The class title is 'Principles of Information Systems'. I bought the book today and it says, "Visual Basic 2008: for Windows and Mobile Applications." But the problem is that I have a Mac Book. So it does not run on Window applicatiions obviously. I emailed the professor today asking him if I am still able to take the class with a Mac but I haven't heard from him yet. Class starts Monday. Does anyone know if the fact the I have a Mac effect me being able to successfully complete this class online despite me NOT having windows apps. on my comp??? Thanx!!!
**I have to take the class for a prereq. for my business major. So I have no choice of not taking it. I really want to take the class online, I am already going to campus for other classes, and do not want to have to go to campus for this class if I can help it.