
Can I take a couple of Percoset before getting a tattoo??

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Or does it thin the blood like advil?




  1. thins the blood. it don't hurt that bad. about like a cat scratch. you can handle it. i did and i am a wuss for pain and hate needles. ur okay. trust me. good luck.

  2. You can. I did. Advil won't make any problems either, that's a bit of a myth. The real killer is when you get very drunk before a tattoo, then the blood is very thin, and will make it very hard for the artist to apply the tattoo properly. And to the other answer, just because you want to dull the pain, does not mean you are not ready for a tattoo. Some people don't mind the pain, some do. I agree that you should at least experience the pain to know what it really feels like, but I assure you that a couple of advil or percocet will not cause any problems. The only thing I would advise is that percocet can cause itchiness, and that could become quite an annoyance while getting a tattoo.

  3. Honestly if your worried about the pain that much, your not ready for a tattoo.  The pain is only temporary.  It is really not that big of a deal. I have lots and lots of tattoos and got them all dead sober. I would speak with your tattoo artist before hand if your really thinking about taking pills.  

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