
Can I take a greyhound bus alone at 14 years old?

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easy 10 points :)




  1. do not ride greyhound well unless you want to get lied too

    have miss connections stand on a very crowded bus, have your luggage

    stolen, have your wallet or purse stolen have the restroom over flow with human waste down the aisle

    have the driver not speak any English nor know how to get to the next station have the bus catch fire, have a blow out have some get killed

    on the bus.. ,get mugged and shot at the station because you didn't

    have enough cash on on

    whew loads of fun

    I would go with amtra kbut you will have parents permssion on amtrak as well

    all the aboue has happen(not all the same bus though)

  2. you go by yourself but sumthing bad could happen to you cuz people are messed up like that now days  

  3. yes you can, but i 18+ has to buy the ticket.

  4. yes, but i doubt ur parents would let u since ur a 14 yhear old girl

  5. yes, you can. but you probably will have to have a parent buy the ticket for you.

    don't be thinking about running away! you can actually go to juvie for that!!!!!

  6. NO, you can't.   There are too many

    lunatics in the world and you might disappear.

  7. Please don't. Please! It's not safe. You're better off on a train.  

  8. ya f you have perental permision

  9. If you have the money to pay for the ticket you can take the bus,but I would hope that you are not doing it without your parent's knowledge.If you asking on here then I can assume you are not wanting them to know.Please be careful as to where and whom you are taking the bus to.If you are taking the bus to meet someone that you met on-line ,just remember that anyone can pretend to be be who they are not.And they can put any pic on-line ,it dose not mean it is them.All I am saying is please be careful.My friend just found  that out last week and

    was hurt.

  10. I think so!

  11. Yes, You can. I have before when i was 13. Only i was with a few friends. But I want you not to go by your self. Not to be a borther. but its much safer. And not to scare you but, you don't want to end up like the pooor guy that got stabbed on the grey hound bus..

    and yes you do need your parents permission. there's a certian age you have to be to actully make your own choices.

  12. definitely, i used to do it every summer in the 90's when i was in jr high, high school.

  13. Yes . But Be Careful Someone Might try and rape u up the buthole and that really hurts!!!!!!!!

  14. Don't run away from home buddy, you wont make it by yourself at 14

  15. More than likely but I'm not encouraging you to do it w/o your parents knowing.

  16. yes can

  17. You can fly when your that young, so i'm sure that you can tak ethe bus. If you have arrangments to drop off and pick up.  

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