
Can I take a used car from UK to India with me??

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I am travelling to India and want to take my mercedes alongwith me. I want to give it to somebody there. Is it possible? where I can find more information regarding this? (Links to websites and/or phone numbers to offices welcome)




  1. Individuals coming to India on Transfer of Residence after two years continuous stay abroad and other importers as specified in Public Notice No. 3(RE/1997-02) of Directorate General of Foreign Trade, New Delhi. No import licence may be needed for importing cars and other vehicles into India if the following conditions were satisfied:

    1) The person who is importing the car should have been abroad continuously for a period of not less than two years.

    2) The purchase consideration should have been made abroad.

    3) The car should have been in use for a minimum of one year before the importer's return to India.

    4) There should not be a time gap of more than six months between the importer's arrival in India and the import of the car.

    5) Foreign exchange should be the medium through which the customs duty should be paid for the car.

    6) The importer is at liberty to sell the vehicle anytime in India after it has been formally imported.

    7) There should be a time gap of five years before the importer can import another car.

    8) Where a handicapped person is concerned the import duty can be paid in Indian currency and the Government's permission should be obtained before selling it.

    9) A license is required for the import of spares.

    10) The market price would be the basis at which the import duty would be calculated. While the trade discount and depreciation on the value are deducted from the price, freight from the country of manufacture and insurance charges are added on to it in addition to the landing charges.

    Depreciation allowed is as under:

    Every quarter 1 st year of use: 4%

    Every quarter II nd year of use: 3%

    Every quarter III rd year of use: 2.5%

    Every quarter IV th year and thereafter: 2%

    Customs Duty:

    Basic Customs Duty: 40%

    Special Customs Duty: 5%

    Additional Duty: 40%

    M.V.Cess: 0.125%

    Special Additional duty of Customs: 4%

    This is subject to an overall limit of 70%

    By and large the ex-factory price on the date of original purchase is taken into account while assessing the duty on a motor vehicle

  2. Dear Ms/Mr  its a very special matter. how to take this by Currier/ by shipment. yaar its very critical matter. because u can only by shipment.OK

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