
Can I take advil now after I drank alcohol?

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last night between 8-9pm I had like half a beer maybe a shot of vodka, didn't get drunk or anything im only 15 btw. Im not gonna do it again cuz i have the worst headache its now 8:30, can i take to ibrophen (advil) to help my head i guess its been about 9 hours




  1. Yes. I usually take 2 advil or tylenol or ibuprophen after a long night of drinking. You can actually take it before bed that night. But today you will be ABSOLUTELY fine with taking it. (It usually takes 1-1.5 hours for 1 bottle or glass or shot of alcahol to leave your body.

    You are fine and we all have tried alcahol at one time or another so don't feel guilty.

  2. Don't pop any pills. Since you are so young, it is more likely to damage your liver. Instead, drink LOTS of water. That's the best way to help! Also, I find a good breakfast knocks the edge of the achy feeling all over.

  3. Hi,

    The big cure to your head ache is time as rightly pointed out. Drinking tomato juice is also helpful. I am happy to see that you are not going to do it again. Be a good person and lead a happy life.

  4. Drink A LOT of water and hydrate yourself. The reason that people get hung over is because alcohol dehydrates people, but we mistake drinking alcohol for a drink that hydrates us.  

  5. I wouldn't do it. The only cure to a hangover is time.  

  6. i had like 1 beer 3 glasses of champagne and 2 small bottles of wdk and i don't have a hangover (I'm 16)  you could try takeing one and seeing how things go and then after 4 hour take another etc if you still feel rough but the best cure is 3 pm and a fry up xx

  7. if you take any medicine like that after drinking will easily make you throw up, and you don't want that. But now that i've read your whole question, i think that you can take advil, just as long as you got more than 6 hours of sleep, or at least six hours!! but i still wouldn't take too much of it!  

  8. Eat something first.  Advil should always be taken with food (not necessarily a full stomach but something) as it could upset the stomach.  

  9. Eat some breakfast and drink lots of water!! 80% of the time when you have a headache it's a lack of hydration! When you do drink *which you shouldn't because you're only 15* you should try to drink a glass of water before bed to hydrate yourself, it helps reduce the chance of a nasty hangover! You can take an advil or motrin now because it's been a while but try eating and drinking water first!! Time will help as well!

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