
Can I take care of my disabled mother and get paid for it? If so how?

by  |  earlier

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I'm taking care of my mother who can't take care of herself. She can't be left alone. My sister and I are doing this alone. My sister works during the day and that's when I take care of mom. I do not work, other than taking care of my mother. I'm there forty hours a week. I heard from others that I could get paid for taking care of my mother and I would like to know how I go by doing this. I can take any classes I have to.




  1. You shouldn't have to get payed for taking care of your mother...for all she done for you..What wrong with this world people want money for taking care of there own family....  

  2. In some places this is possible, but not many. Generally speaking it is considered simply the responsibility of a parent or child to care for the ones they love.

    If your mom is disabled is she getting SSI or SSDI? Are you getting food stamps? Are you getting home heating credit? There are lots of little things that might help.  

  3. I know that in California you it is called in home health services and it is provided through our Adult Protective services-this is through the state.

  4. Ring social services and say that you are the full time carer for your mother, they will either have to pay for a full time carer, if that is what she needs or you will be paid. A friend of mine gets some money for taking care of his granny even though she does everything for herself and he not there much.

    I do live in Ireland though and we have a good social services network here, so maybe where you are you can't. By the way, i understand why you want to get paid, your mum would not want you life to suffer because your looking after her and you have the right to work and be paid, if you can't work because social services isn't providing enough care for your mother they should subsidise it atleast.

  5. Contact the local Area Agency on Aging. They should be able to give you the type of information that you are looking for.  

    National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)

  6. Sorry but you can't get paid for that unless the family pays you. Your mother did not get paid for taking care of you did she. If you are only there 40 hours a week get a dang job with the rest of your time. Geez

  7. Actually, aren't you taking care of her for taking care of you all of these years?  I took care of my FIL 24 hrs. a day for 2 months straight while he was dying.  No, I didn't get paid for it directly until he passed away and we ended up with his property which wasn't much, but it wasn't about the money.  It was the least we could do for all of the caring that he did for us all of those year when he was alive.  We could have let him go to a nursing home instead and let them take everything.  That was an option too.  That's the way it is. Yes, you can get paid for it, but it is your mother who is actually paying in the long run.

  8. You can check with your mother's insurance providers to see if they cover sitter services, otherwise, I don't believe you can. I say this because my mother and I have been caring for my disabled grandmother for 18 months now. We hire sitters and when we can't find anyone- We sit with her, however our sitters are paid from my grandmother's social security and VA benefits. Other than these forms of income and her insurance I'm unaware of any way you can be compensated. Otherwise, we'd be utilizing it instead of using her income.

  9. i have never heard of such a thing.. your mom wasnt paid to take care of you.

  10. Ok...well I am in a similar situation... My grandma needs 24 hour care and I am there from 7 am to around 8 or 9 pm so thats 91 to 98 hours a week and I have been doing this for 3 months and that even includes taking her to doctors appointments and her physical and occupational therapy every other day... I get paid NOTHING!!!... However!! There is a program through Medicaid if you mom is on it or eligible for it called CASH AND COUNSELING and that basically takes the money that would go towards care for your mom and they give you part of it. It is only available in some states (mine is not one of them) and will help you and your sister with any hardships that this may cause you.... I wish the best of luck to you too and your futures!!!!

  11. I believe you have to contact the state maybe thru the disability dept. or medicare/medicade to have them send you paperwork that you need to fill out.  You will need to let them know how many hours a week you are taking care of your mother each week and maybe show that she does need help and cant care for herself.  If you are not sure where to start, contact your local disability dept. whatever it may be called and they will direct you to who to speak to.  If your sister is also helping to care for your mother, she may also be able to get paid for the time she is also doing this as well.  I am not completely sure but it may be worth checking out.  

  12. Getting paid for taking care of your mother? What did your mother do to deserve such a daughter?

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