
Can I take flaxseed oil 1000mg when I am on arimidex,high blood pressure pills and an anti depressant?

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Can I take flaxseed oil 1000mg when I am on arimidex,high blood pressure pills and an anti depressant?




  1. ask your pharmacist

  2. No problem whatever.  Flax oil is a natural  substance that does not interact or clash with any prescription medication.  There are isolated exceptions and apparently grapefruit often clashes with prescription medications.  People who are on warfarin should not take Coenzyme Q10 and that is another one of the isolated exceptions.

    Mixing prescription medications can cause problems in some cases and your doctor is the expert on that sort of question.

    Doctors are absolute experts on prescription medication but when it comes to natural medication they seem to know very little.

  3. Susan Yarrawonga has given you some pretty fantastic advice there mate ........  the omega 3's found in flaxseed oil will definitely help you to deal with your high blood pressure and please ensure that you only purchase organic flaxseed oil to avoid the nasty chemicals and other preservatives they use in the commercial varieties.

    The omega 3 fatty acids that flaxseed oil is rich in will also help to  prevent depression and stress;

    ~ alleviate rheumatoid arthritis;

    ~ offer protection against migraines and kidney disease;

    ~ enhance the immune system;

    ~ lower blood pressure;

    ~ keep skin, hair and nails healthy;

    ~ lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides;

    ~ reduce blood viscosity;

    ~ help prevent heart attacks and strokes......;0)

    To increase your Omega 3 intake ~

    ~ grind whole organic flaxseeds in a coffee grinder and sprinkle over fresh fruit;

    ~ throw a handful of organic walnuts into a green leafy salad;

    ~ add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil to your morning smoothie;

    ~ eat oily, cold water fresh fish like salmon, mackerel or tuna at least three times a week.

    organic with the nuts and seeds to avoid the nasty sulfites and other chemicals they use to "preserve" them that may upset sensitive bodies .

    hope this helps u

    peace 2 u

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